Death Scene Cleanup Service: Handling Bloodborne Pathogens the OSHA Way

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have a set of rules and regulations that all companies should abide by. Death scene cleanup service complies with these standards, so you can trust them with your death cleanup job or any task related to getting rid of bloodborne pathogens.

Bloodborne Pathogens Defined

Bloodborne pathogens are infectious diseases found in blood and other bodily fluids. Skin contact with these viruses and bacteria can result in severe health consequences for the exposed victim. Examples of bloodborne pathogens include Hepatitis, HIV, MRSA, and E. coli. These viruses are deadly, so avoid exposure to them.

Bloodborne Pathogen Specialists

The main group that falls under the bloodborne pathogens standard are the medical care experts and biohazard remediation specialists which include death scene cleanup service. This is because these groups deal with blood and bodily fluids in their line of work. This puts them at a higher risk of contracting these viruses.

OSHA’s Standard to Follow

Anyone who handles blood and other bodily fluids materials in their daily business should adhere to these OSHA’s bloodborne pathogen standards. Failure to adhere to these standards puts the employees at risk of getting infected by these viruses, bacteria, and other diseases. In addition, they also risk jail time, fines, and job loss.

These standards are stated below

Every company should have its own written Exposure Control Plan. This piece of document tells employees and business owners steps to take to protect themselves from the risk of exposure to these viruses. All employees must undergo thorough training to have a perfect understanding of the ECP. Companies conduct this training free of costs for employees and undertaken during work hours.

  • All items or surfaces contaminated by blood or bodily fluids should be treated as if they are contagious, regardless of the health status of the patient

  • Use personal protective equipment when treating blood and other bodily fluids

  • Wash hands thoroughly before and after handling a patient’s blood or bodily fluid. This not only protects you from infections but also eliminates the risks of cross-contamination.

  • Reduce exposure to sharps

  • Dispose of contagious items in safety and hazardous, well-labeled disposable containers

  • Report to the appropriate authorities if you mistakenly come in contact with bloodborne pathogens

  • All employees in a healthcare facility or biohazard remediation facility should take the Hepatitis B vaccination to prevent the spread of the disease

  • Avoid eating, drinking, and applying cosmetics in sites that contain bloodborne pathogens

What To Do After Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens

Exposure to contaminated materials can put you at risk of getting infected. If you were exposed to infectious materials, do these things as quickly as possible

  • Wash the affected area with soap and water. You’ll need to put in more effort if it comes in contact with the nose, mouth, or skin.

  • Flush out eyes with clean water or saline

  • Report the exposure to appropriate heads in your department

  • Report for medical evaluation immediately

If you need death scene cleanup after losing a close family member or friend, reach out to an OSHA standard death scene cleanup service.

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