Standing out from the crowd as a business owner is never an easy task. After all, all companies that offer mold remediation services claim that they are experts when it comes to handling mold growth in the home or at the workplace.
One thing is sure, no two mold remediation companies offer the same service. Some view mold removal companies see job opportunities as a way to build a long-lasting relationship with their clients while others simply apply the equivalent of a band aid.
If you are looking for a way to be the best out of other companies offering mold removal services and build a long-standing relationship with clients, then you need to do offer something unique. One such way to build trust among your clients is by offering a complete mold remediation service.
Mold remediation and mold removal services are often used interchangeably but they are two different services. While mold removal is all about a service that just scratches the mold problem on the surface, mold remediation, on the other hand, involves a more thorough cleaning job that not only gets rid of the mold problem but also find a lasting solution to the underlying cause of mold growth, preventing a re-growth in the future.
Many companies who are in just for the money will offer mold removal services only. All they have to do is to remove mold from surfaces and that’s just it. However, if you fail to get to the root of the problem, it not only shows how incompetent you are when it comes to dealing with mold but also the fact that customers can’t trust you with another mold removal job not to mention a referral.
A professional mold remediation company that is well versed in skills and experience will always implement a multi-step process in dealing with mold remediation. Fungi and bacteria are ubiquitous; they are inevitable. However, you can always limit your exposure to these infectious diseases by cleaning and sanitizing your environment regularly.
While a company can get rid of mold growth by using a cleaning procedure, rest assured that you will experience a re-growth within the shortest possible time. This has defeated the reason why you hire a mold removal company, right? If you want to be in control of mold growth in your home, then you should always consider offering mold remediation services. Not only does mold remediation service get rid of the mold in the home, but it also addresses the root cause of mold growth.
What does A Professional Mold Remediation Expert do?
A typical mold remediation expert will perform the following:
Run series of testing to determine the mold type at the scene
Identify and fix the root cause of the problem that caused mold growth\
Removing excess moisture in the air
Contain the area to prevent cross-contamination
Remove any material affected by mold
Treat the mold with a medical-grade cleaning agent
Vacuum the area
Apply an antimicrobial agent, which offers a final protective coat
Using the procedures makes clients know that you have their best interest at heart.
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