The sight of a dead body in any person can cause unpleasant experiences. Such a picture is especially difficult to look at in the last stages of decomposition when the tissues of the body begin to rot, and there is a terrible smell in the air.

An unprepared person can experience an emotional breakdown; therefore, the presence of a corpse for a long time in a house, apartment, or other places not intended for this is unacceptable. That’s why people dial a death scene cleanup service to get rid of the consequences as soon as possible. At the same time, even a short stay of a dead body in a room (for example, in a house before a funeral) often makes people feel fear of cadaveric poison, which is formed during the decomposition of the human body.


Surely, many people know that when there is a dead person in the room, the atmosphere in it becomes suffocating due to the specific smell. This odor is absorbed by walls, textiles, clothes, and even human skin. It is the cadaveric poison formed during the breakdown of protein compounds that emits such a specific smell. Any death scene cleanup service pays special attention to the elimination of this terrible smell.

According to scientists, post-mortem poison consists of four components:





The most toxic among these substances is neurine, which can cause severe poisoning if it enters the bloodstream. However, it can get into the blood of a living person only if a person touches the corpse having cuts on the body. Therefore, the cleaning staff providing death scene cleanup service wear special gloves and uniform, which protects them from any contact with deadly substances.


Although poisoning with cadaveric alkaloid is quite difficult, but still possible. In particular, it might happen if a person decides not to resort to the professional death scene cleanup service and do the cleaning themselves. They are also at risk of catching a serious infection from corpses.

If a person receives a large dose of cadaveric poison, they may experience the following symptoms:

extensive salivation;

vomiting and diarrhea;

mucus in the respiratory tract, even pneumonia;


Cadaveric poison is also dangerous for people with skin lesions. Getting into wounds ptomaine can cause a local inflammatory process, which is very unpleasant. If a person has an immune deficiency, the poison can cause the development of sepsis and death. That is why it is recommended to resort to the licensed death scene cleanup service or at least handle the bodies of deceased people with extreme care and not touch them if there are open injuries. Also, you should not be in the same room with the deceased for a long time.


As for food, it is not recommended to store it in the room in which the corpse is located. Firstly, for many people, a dead body and food are incompatible things, and they simply disdain to eat it. Secondly, food which lies in an atmosphere of cadaveric smell and cadaveric poison accumulates harmful components in it, which leads to an unpleasant odor and spoilage. Naturally, all items of furniture, walls, floor, and even ceiling are subject to thorough disinfection by the death scene cleanup service, whereas food is subject to urgent disposal.

To sum up, cadaveric poison in a small concentration is not dangerous to human health. However, cadaveric smell poses a danger to psychological comfort. Secondly, poisoning with cadaveric poison is possible only if it accumulates in rooms (or in food) in large doses, while at the same time, when in contact with corpses, the risk of contracting viral or bacterial infections is very high. Thirdly, a high-quality death scene cleanup service with disinfection of the premises will completely destroy both the cadaveric poison itself and the smell, which will allow people to live in comfortable and safe conditions.

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